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Privilegio rodado de Alfonso X El Sabio, 1261. Contiene el privilegio fundacional de Alfonso VII de 1142

A privilege bestowed by Alfonso X El Sabio (Alfonso X “The Wise”) in 1261. It contains the funding text of the privileges bestowed by Alfonso VII in 1142.

CATHEDRAL ARCHIVE. The collection of historical documents houses those records derived from all the Cathedral Chapter’s cultural activities and property management dating from the Thirteenth Century until the start of the Twentieth. Many researchers – local, regional, national and from other countries such as Portugal and France – use this archive to develop such works as Local Studies, Doctoral Theses or Undergraduate Dissertations. The archival collection of Acts issued by the Chapter and the musical collection are the two most used. The Archive also organises cultural activities to encourage people’s knowledge of their history and understand certain aspects of the present; this is primarily for residents of Coria and people from the Valle del Alagón region. Guided tours of the Archive are a fundamental component of this drive: they are offered for teachers and students from Primary and Secondary Schools. Publications include “Guía del Archivo de la Catedral de Coria” (“Guide to Coria Coria Cathedral and its Archive”) and “Coria y el Terremoto de Lisboa” (“Coria and the Lisbon Earthquake”)

The Cathedral of Coria’s Chapter has been working on conservation and outreach since the 1990’s so that people of the City of Coria, Extremadura and Spain get to know the Cathedral’s artistic and documentary heritage. These cultural assets show the evolution of spirituality, the economy, society, folklore and culture since 1142, when Coria’s Episcopal seat was restored (during the Christian Reconquest), until today.




OPENING HOURS: TUESDAY 10:30h – 14h / 16.30h – 18.30h (By prior appointment only)


1- Spanish Historical Heritage Law 25 June 1985 (Ley de Patrimonio Histórico Español, 25 de junio de 1985)

2- Organic Law Concerning Personal Data Protection 13 December 1999, concerning the honour and privacy of individuals, RGPD 25 May 2018 (Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal de 13 de diciembre de 1999, afecta al honor y la intimidad de las personas. RGPD de 25-Mayo-2018)

3- Archives and Cultural Heritage of Extremadura Law 2/2007 of 12 April (Ley 2/2007 de 12 de abril de Archivos y Patrimonio Documental de la Junta de Extremadura)

4- Archives and Cultural Heritage of Extremadura Law of 1976 and the depositions in the Archive material which establish the Spanish Episcopal Conference. (Reglamento de Archivos Eclesiásticos de 1976 y las disposiciones que en materia de Archivo establezca la Conferencia Episcopal Española. Archives and Cultural Heritage of Extremadura Law.)

Internally, the archive is governed by the Law approved in 2009 by the Bishop of the Ecclesiastical Province of Extremadura.